Buddy App

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The "Buddy App", is an app that allows a person to create a detailed profile that contains their personality type, information about them and their interests. That information is then used to find like-minded individuals that could serve as potential friends.

Persona Development

Stephen Dunlap portfolio headshot
Since I primarily designed this app for myself, I wanted something that searched deeper into a person’s personality. From the comparative market analysis, the apps chosen did not dive deep enough into the personality aspect, nor did they have an in depth preference system. These were necessities for me. For a 25 year old that is skeptical, does not like to go out much, enjoys practical things, silence, woodworking and operates as an introvert; I very much like the idea of a system taking this information and matching me to others who can resonate. This is my approach.

Comparative Market Analysis

After a quick search I downloaded the top recommended friend apps to put them against one another. From this analysis, I gathered what was currently being offered, how it was being offered, and its efficacy. This helped guide me through the design process.



  • In depth account creation
  • Clean design
  • BFF is seperate from dating


  • You have to match before you can communicate
  • One you swipe through all swipes, you can't go back unless you pay a premuim
  • No option to select a specific preferences


  • Can have thought provoking conversations
  • Rating system of likes that promote healthy conversations
  • You can scroll back to previous posts


  • UI is a bit boring
  • Personality test is included but too short
  • Posts don't wrap text and can be annoying


  • Good for those looking to hook up


  • Sluggish UI
  • You can't make an in depth profile
  • Most people are only looking to hook up

Journey Map

For the low-fidelity wireframes. I wanted to go with something simple. The bumble app was very close to perfect so I opted to impliment a few innovations to it. First was to make the personality test more in depth and then add preferences that they did not offer. One of the biggest caveats for me was that there was not many African Americans on the platform. The ability to aim your scope towards specific preferences may fix this issue. User testing will still need to be done. Overall, a more in depth personality test is implimented, preferences have been added, the ability to chat without matching has been added. After participants decide to become friends, they can then exchange images and video chat.
Stephen Dunlap's mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's mobile wireframe
High-Fidelity Mock-Ups
For the high-fidelity mockups I stuck close to the wireframe design to stay consistent. The outcome I had envisioned is essentially ‘Bumble’, with more access in some areas, limitations in others, and a more robust profile..
Stephen Dunlap's High Fidelity mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's High Fidelity mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's High Fidelity mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's High Fidelity mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's High Fidelity mobile wireframe Stephen Dunlap's High Fidelity mobile wireframe
WebView Prototype
Experience the prototype here. For the best experience, please view in browser.