Tattoo Website

Stephen Dunlap's Tattoo Website Design Home

This page showcases the process I took in designing an online tattoo business website for a friend. The client wanted a website to showcase his current work as well as a place for potential clients to get in touch with him.

Persona Development

UX Design Persona
The first steps were to build a persona to assist in the design process. This helps design with empathy challenging my perspective so that it aligns with the clients to stay consistent with user-centric design practices. In this case, the client is looking to break into the market in order to do tattoo work full time. Some key factors are being new to the city and a lack of credibility.

Comparative Market Analysis

Next I did a little research that I could then reference when asking the client what they wanted in order to develop a list of deliverables. This step helped create a comprehensive format that would then limit the deviations I could possibly take. Starting with a comparative market analysis I looked at some of the shops in the new area the client is now residing. Most shops in the area did not have a dedicated website but rather operated off a social media platform. Although this was the case, each shop had an adequate amount of images to showcase what they could offer. One key addition that I thought would be essential, was the ability to upload reference files in order to start a discussion on the scope of the tattoo.

Comparative Market Analysis
After that I began the wireframing process. Inspiration was gathered from tattoo shops in the area as well as others online. The client in this case wanted the use of old-english and a darker tone to the vibe of the website. Making the layout as clean as possible with good use of negative space would compete with the tattoo shops in the area.Once the client reviewed the initial wireframes and gave me his critiques, I then moved on to the high-fidelity wireframes..
UX Design low-fidelity mockup Stephen Dunlap UX Design low-fidelity mockup Stephen Dunlap UX Design low-fidelity mockup Stephen Dunlap UX Design low-fidelity mockup Stephen Dunlap
High-Fidelity Mock-Ups
Once the client viewed the final end-user mock-ups, he was very pleased and we discussed the future steps in order to get the ball rolling on this venture.
UX Design High Fidelity Mockup UX Design High Fidelity Mockup UX Design High Fidelity Mockup UX Design High Fidelity Mockup
WebView Prototype
Experience the prototype here. For the best experience, please view in browser.
"It was great working with Stephen. Very pleased with the work and the time it took. Very receptive of ideas." - Breonn Green
Future Steps

Future steps. The client is currently working on getting more images to showcase the credibility of his skill that we can then use for the website. I told him to work on the length of the business name to make it a bit more succinct. Once all is said and done, this project will be picked up again through to completion.